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Privacy Policy

1. General Information

1.1 Introduction

We respect your privacy in accordance with applicable laws. You are not obligated to answer the questions we ask, but not answering these questions may, depending on the circumstances, make it impossible for us to enter into or continue a (pre)contractual relationship, carry out an operation requested by you or a third party on your behalf.

1.2 Data Controller

Company Name:
Postal Code & Municipality:
VAT Number:

2. Processing of Personal Data During Your Use of Our Website

Your visit to our website and your use of our online services are tracked. The IP address currently used by your device (e.g., your computer or mobile phone), the date and time, the type of browser and operating system of your device, and the visited pages are stored. This data is collected for data protection purposes and to optimize and improve our online services. It is in our interest to protect our website and improve our service.

Any other processing of your data, except for statistical purposes in anonymous form, is carried out solely within the framework of this privacy statement. Personal data is only stored if you provide it voluntarily, e.g., as part of your registration, a survey, an online application, or for the execution of a contract. We have taken appropriate technical precautions to ensure that your data is encrypted during login for registration or other services, i.e., protected against unauthorized access.

2.1 Newsletter Registration

If you wish, you can subscribe to our newsletter on our website by filling out the provided registration form. If you fill out the registration form and provide us with your personal data or have agreed to our newsletter when registering as a customer, you will receive an email from us at the email address you provided. The personal data collected through the registration form will only be processed to send newsletters to your email address.

Your personal data will only be retained until you unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of each newsletter you receive from us. Upon unsubscribing, your personal data will be immediately deleted. Please note: you will no longer receive newsletters from us after your personal data has been deleted.

2.2 Contact Form

You can use the contact form on our website to contact us for an inquiry. The personal data you provide in the contact form will only be processed to respond to your request. This personal data will only be retained for the time necessary to answer your inquiry.

2.3 More Information Form

You can use the more information request form on our website to request more information about our services. The personal data you provide in this form will only be processed to respond to your request. This personal data will only be retained for the time necessary to answer your inquiry.

2.4 Quote Request

You can use our website to request a non-binding quote for our services. The personal data you provide in this form will only be processed to respond to your request. This personal data will only be retained for the time necessary to prepare your quote and until you do not accept our quote.

2.5 eShop

You can use our eShop and place an order. All personal data you provide in our eShop will only be used to enter into a contract with you and to fulfill this contract. Providing your personal data is necessary to enter into a contract with us and to fulfill this contract. Without your personal data, we will not be able to process your order and will not be able to enter into a contract with you.

Your personal data will only be retained until the contract with you is terminated, unless we are legally obligated to further retain your data to provide it to government authorities, such as tax authorities. If you enter into a contract with us, your address will be transferred to our logistics service providers to deliver the goods you ordered on our behalf. This processing is necessary to fulfill the contract with you.

Your personal data will only be retained by our logistics service providers until the goods you ordered have been delivered to you, unless our logistics service providers are legally obligated to further retain your data, e.g., to provide it to government authorities, such as tax authorities. If you enter into a contract with us and choose to pay by credit card, we will transfer your credit card information to the credit card company that issued your credit card to process your payment. This processing is necessary to fulfill the contract with you.

Your personal data will only be retained by your credit card company until your payment has been processed, unless your credit card company is legally obligated to further retain your data, e.g., to provide it to government authorities, such as tax authorities. If you enter into a contract with us and choose to pay by bank transfer, we will provide your bank details to your bank to process your payment. This processing is necessary to fulfill the contract with you. Your bank will only retain your personal data until your payment has been processed, unless your bank is legally obligated to further retain your data, e.g., to provide it to government authorities, such as tax authorities.

2.6 Customer Account Registration

To fully utilize the functionalities of our eShop, you can create a customer account on our website. With a customer account, you do not need to provide us with your personal data every time you use our online shop. If you fill out the registration form and provide us with your personal data, you can choose a username and password. To complete the registration of your account, you only need to click on the confirmation link in the confirmation email.

With your username and password, you can log in to your account and use it. The personal data you provide in the registration form will only be processed to create and manage your customer account. Providing your personal data is voluntary. You are not obliged to provide us with your personal data, and this provision is not necessary to comply with a legal or contractual obligation or an obligation necessary to enter into a contract.

If you do not provide us with your personal data, it will have no consequences for you, except that we will not be able to register a customer account for you. Your personal data will only be retained until your account is disabled.

3. Information on the Processing of Your Personal Data

The personal data you communicate to us through our website and/or as part of the services offered on it are processed strictly confidentially. They are processed for the purposes for which our website was created, namely, selling services and goods, providing an overall view of the client, monitoring transactions, preventing irregularities, and for commercial purposes.

When you provide your data, you agree that we share that data with our employees responsible for the execution of one or more of the above-mentioned purposes and, if applicable, the individuals designated by you and/or the employees of other companies whose intervention is required to carry out one or more of the above-mentioned purposes. You agree to the exchange of data related to you between the - existing and future - companies of our business.

This data exchange aims to allow participating companies to carry out central customer management, have an overall view of the client, conduct studies, statistics, and/or marketing actions, offer and deliver the aforementioned services, and control the regularity of transactions (including preventing irregularities). You can request the updated list of companies participating in data exchange from our business by contacting us at or using any other means to contact us. You also consent to the transfer of personal data processed in the execution of current agreements to countries outside the European Union, provided that this is useful or necessary for the execution of agreements. Personal data revealing your racial or ethnic origin is never processed unless it is apparent from data identifying you (such as your name, first name, address, and nationality).

Also, personal data revealing your political opinions, your religious or philosophical beliefs, or your membership of a trade union are never processed unless they are apparent from other data (e.g., payment transactions). It cannot be ruled out that our privacy policy will change in the future. We recommend that you review the text of this statement from time to time to stay informed of any changes.

4. Your Rights

You can exercise your rights at any time by sending an email to

These rights are:
  • The right to information about data processing and a copy of the processed data
  • The right to request the correction of incorrect data or the completion of incomplete data
  • The right to request the deletion of personal data and, if the personal data has been disclosed, to inform other data controllers of this request
  • The right to request the restriction of data processing
  • The right to receive the personal data about the data subject in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to request the transfer of this data to another data controller
  • The right to object to data processing to stop it
  • The right to withdraw consent at any time to stop data processing based on your consent. This withdrawal will not affect the legality of the processing based on your consent before the withdrawal
  • The right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the data processing infringes on your rights

5. Minors

Persons under the age of 18 may not send data to our company or request services or perform other legal acts on this site without the consent of a parent or legal guardian unless permitted by applicable law.

6. Changes to the Site

Our company may change this privacy policy at any time, with or without notice, modify access to the site, or terminate or modify the content of the site.